About Us

We are Ameya and Bhanu, software professionals working and living in Munich Germany! We were born on the same day a year apart ( yes we share birthdays!). That’s how we met and never left each other’s sight 😊

We were born and raised in India in two very different cultures, even our native languages are different! We met while going for higher studies to US and have been best friends since then. After spending 10 years in USA, we moved to Munich in February 2019. With the limited vacation days in US, we tried to make the most of every second, but it was never enough. Now we are excited to explore Europe  😍  😍 (.. you can read more about our move from US to Europe here)

Both of us love our full-time jobs and are equally passionate about travelling! We are still not convinced with the idea of β€œquit your job and travel”. While we are impressed by the folks who do it, and may one day choose to do so, for now we love to travel as much as possible on long weekends, holidays and vacations. It’s not an easy task, but we hope to relate to the majority of folks who travel while keeping their jobs.

With our immense love for food, trying local cuisine and learning to cook them is a major part of our travels. That’s the only way we know how to truly indulge in the culture! While travelling, we try to experience food and culture like locals and not tourists.

Together, we have been to over 30 states within the US and 21 countries so far, with so many more to go! Our blog is an honest travel diary of our experiences abroad. Neither of us have any professional training in digital media or writing, most of our writing is limited to work emails and texts 😁. But we are excited to write this online journal and try our hand at travel photography to take you on a journey to some of the most exciting destinations!

From cave-tubing in New Zealand to riding Luge in Jamaica, from climbing into the Pyramids and spoiling ourselves in Belize.. we hope to continue our adventures and travel around the world… one cuisine at a time!